This is a demonstration system, no insurance service is implied by use of this demo.
Available up to 8 vehicles
Loss of use £100 per week given free and client pays for surplus
Loss of use includes theft and also when vehicle is not loaded
Vehicle transporters acceptable
Rates and minimum premium levels on all vehicles better than Hauliers Choice
Business: Haulage Contractor?
Carriage of special items?
Involved in carriage of: - Aggregates, tarmac or soil, - Livestock of Furniture Removals - Carriage of Plant/Machinery ('Heavy Haulage') - Vehicles, Boats, Caravans or Mobile Homes
Carriage of thief attractive property?
If insurer is involved in carriage of target/thief attractive property, cover is restricted to £75,000 or the sum insured (whichever is the less).
Sum Insured per Vehicle exceed £100K?
More than 6 vehicles to be insured?
Requires PL Lol in excess of £2m?
Trades as Freight Forwarding Agent?
Trades as Warehouser?
Is the risk based in the UK (excluding Northern Ireland)?